"The mistakes we've made shape the beings we are today, and the mistakes we'll make next"

Farewell has been cancelled



To the few who even read this (1 person, most likely) thanks for reading. Even if I forced you too :P Sorry I posted this a day late.

 I promised another map screeny, so here it is:

  A bit bigger than last time, taking the screenies from in the Map Editor now, for more to look at. This, also, is BlackMask's. I like this one alot.

You may not have heard, but Spook has left Team NID :(  He won't be fully in the team, but still available upon request. For now, it's just Me & BlackMask.

I have been working hard on the Prologue. It's really hard to get right, and you need it perfect. I don't want a cliche beginning, too, so I'm going to be as creative and unpredictable as possible with this game - not so much as to make it no sense, but enough so it's not obvious to what's happening next.

That's it for now, don't forget to favorite the blog, and please leave a comment (if you can, that is, google won't let you unless you have an account on google, or another blogging site)
I want to know if anyone reads it.

Suggestions? Ideas? Want to join the team? All help and thoughts are welcome! Email me at kakiro.tree@gmail.com or PM me on RRR or HBG by the username of abreaction !

For now,
abreaction / Team NID


Hey, Screenies!

How's it going, people? If you're just here to check it out, please fave the blog - you can get more on Project NID, extras, and blah blah blah (extra features) just from checking in here every Monday and Thursday (Although I'd recommend Tuesday Friday, since I don't post until late at night)

Today I present you with
You heard me right! Got three screenies here, maps compliments of Black Mask (thanks!) Remember though, as I said in my last post, the screenies will be maps in RTP until the tileset is finished, so just some eye candy:
 [click to enlarge]

 Fig. 1

Fig. 2 

Fig. 3

Fig. 1: Here's the hideout(?) or base for Asea - all his extra supplies, a bed, save point, ect. are here. Also shown is a little bit of the save point system - to show we have it
Fig. 2 This one's a little fancy. Got the fog, tone, and sun effect. Had to turn the tone down a bit - someone said their eyes were bleeding (don't know why *blinded* :P)
Fig. 3: I'm rather fond of this map; not sure why, just am. I'm sure I'll use it in the game. Ooh, and a thought I was having was having 6+ frames in the water (wouldn't that be cool)

More screenies to come (including my current favorite)

Nothing much has happened with the team lately - I haven't heard anything from any of them for quite a while now (as in me, abreaction) but I suppose I'm at a point where I can do things myself for a while. Working on the game as we speak, hoping to finish up the RTP Alpha version of Chapter 1 sometime late this spring. Then, I'll go full onto the custom resources, and apply them, and lastly, release the demo to the public mid-summer. Setting it back a bit, I was originally hoping to release Chapters 1, 2, and 3 simultaneously. But then, afterwords, all I have to worry about are maps, and the actual game (for I'll be done with the custom resources) Of course, can't be sure that'll actually go right.

One last thing - like this game, and have a bit of cash on your hands? Please make a donation to Project NID. The money will be used to pay scripters and other necessary help. Even if it's not that much, it will help. If you can only donate 50 cents, that's completely fine. Don't feel obligated to give lots, or anything at all - just saying, it'd be nice:

Well, that's it folks!
-abreaction alone :(


Mmmph, bored


Map revisions #1 are in - Thanks BlackMask! They look great - much better than my maps. Progress progress - I think I can start makin' some events now :D

The tileset is coming along quite well - FINALLY GOT THE GRASS JUST RIGHT, edited it again. The water isn't going anywhere, any time soon. Oh well...

I'm really trying to make these posts as long as I can, but there isn't much to update...
  • Learnin' color theory better
  • Drawing millions of humorous Asea chibis
  • Fixing up maps
  • Brainstorming ideas
  • Playing Vacant Sky
It's all about the theme and atmosphere for this game, so an amount of thinking has to be put into the game. I want it to be as visually pleasing as possible, and also as moving (feeling) as can be done. I'm picking the right colors for the game.

New support bar!

Updated with the new name, and sprite. It looks better, I think - somewhat. My personal one is better though. It's exclusive to me though >:] I might share though.

Lemme see...

I'm going to start by releasing screenies to the public without the custom resources, then have some screenies to show off the resources, and then the two together. I'll have a new Alpha without resources up maybe later this year, early summer.

That's it for now! I'll update soon,
-abreaction / Team NID